Archive for the ‘News’ Category

A fellow art and design blogger at Surfstation has posted about an innovative information mapping website called Informapping. It’s an intriguing tool that visualises where international news is being broken around the world on the internet.

According to the site, Washington is the top news breaking city in the world, but it’s kind of obvious thing to proclaim as informapping sources news from AP, CNN, Reuters and NYTimes only which means the real contraflow of global news on the internet could be a little underrepresented, nevertheless it gives a good overview on where news is breaking and with how much of an impact.



Who said paper was the only way of printing and distributing news? According to a new invention by T-Post, a quirky Swedish company, you can now have your news printed on a t-shirt. Once you’ve digested the news on your t-shirt, you can then go out in the street wearing it. It’s revealed that T-Post have more than 2,600 subscribers and 1,027 fans from around the world with new issues appearing every six weeks. What’s more you can also model for your T-Post too, but only if you live in Sweden and willing to stand in your pants for the photoshoot.

I think T-Post is a great addition to my previous post SME Hunts for T-shirt Heavens, as one of the best places to get your hands on rare uber-trendy t-shirts.